~Clean Reinstall Windows or?

August 6th, 2016

Before you bash me AGAIN and delete my Post AGAIN….just hear me out first.
The recent Windows updates keep screwing up my entire system. Each time it gets back from updating I have no desktop anymore or start screen.(yes I am on Windows 8 Pro x64) I cannot update anymore, in fact I had to turn off updates and do about 10 system restores in order to get my desktop back.(no joke)
What do you think? Should I backup everything now and do a Clean reinstall? I personally think it wouldn’t help since the updates will just return again with most likely the same issue. Unless someone can tell me they have Win8 also and can safely say that their updates DO work and hasn’t harmed them. If so I guess I have no choice but do a clean reinstall. Right? Or what? And yes I was even thinking of downgrading back to Win7 or even installing Linux instead. lol Not sure yet….

Answer #1
Sounds like you ended up with some malware or a ghetto windows ripoff. I would recommend doing a clean install, with a legit copy of windows; then avoid putting any crap on there that might be fishy.
Just formatted my HDD a couple days ago with Windows 8, seems to be working fine. Wont be another week or two before I get everything setup tho.
And if you Decide to go Linux, check out Fedora…
Answer #2
Sounds like you ended up with some malware or a ghetto windows ripoff. I would recommend doing a clean install, with a legit copy of windows; then avoid putting any crap on there that might be fishy.
Just formatted my HDD a couple days ago with Windows 8, seems to be working fine. Wont be another week or two before I get everything setup tho.
And if you Decide to go Linux, check out Fedora...

hes a troll mate on par with james. seems quite butthurt sometimes too (check his stupid threads and replies)
how did you “activate” your copy. was it with the KMS (?) server tutorial provided by ED-E or what ?
can you not turn off updates with W8 like in 7 ?
you probably do need to format considering your google searches are coming out wrong the only person on the planet to get such results, tho you wouldnt provide a screenshot so it was probably another troll attempt. this is probably a troll attempt too.
EDIT: oh ~love~ forgot you dont take advice from a torrent noob.
Answer #3
Actually I payed for it. And my problem is 100% legit.
wow…I guess I’ll go to someplace that actually has people “real” knowledge of the issue and won’t insult their members for no reason.
Answer #4
This sounds a very oddly to me. I’ve never encountered anyone with this issue before. Maybe your legit Copy is corrupted. I suggest doing what said. Download a copy of windows 8 direct from Microsoft and reinstall it fresh and just use your legit KEY again.


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