Bandwith Dissapearing: Can u Help with Where?

August 8th, 2016

Hi all, I’m running Win7, have IDM and Bandwidth Monitor.
As soon as a copy a link from Alldebrid and place it in IDM, I start loosing a heap of bandwidth without even starting to download the files. Between 2 – 7 mbps.
This also happens if I just load the link into Internet Explorer, download starts, but then I stop it, but still Bandwidth Monitor is showing as downloading. Don’t know whats going on or where it’s going.
The only way to stop it is to reboot.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer #1
I think with IDM it starts downloading file straight away, even when you haven’t started it. I’ve put a file in and waited a bit, and when i started it, 7Mb had already been buffered. Can’t help with answers with anything else though.
Answer #2
Thanks for reply . No good with that one. Already tried stopping downloads in IDM. Also tried closing IDM then using link in IE then cancelling download in that.
Someone else must have had a similar problem…..
Answer #3
When you link to a file online your AV is probably grabbing the link and ‘pre downloading’ the file to virus scan the first megabyte of so of it.. maybe..
Kaspersky used to be a pig for doing this.. nightmare on a dial-up connection.
Answer #4
Nup. Checked that by not running AV. Anything else?
Thanks anyway .
Answer #5
You might need to download a process/resource monitor (system internals do a nice one) and see what’s actually using the ‘net.
Win7 has a res monitor that does a decent job too – have a look at that..
Answer #6
You might need to download a process/resource monitor (system internals do a nice one) and see what's actually using the 'net.
Win7 has a res monitor that does a decent job too - have a look at that..

Agree with , take a look at the Resource Manager (Network tab), and that will show you what’s using bandwidth.
Answer #7
looking at all the replies maybe you should try the reply above me run the resource manager and network tab and keep it running then start the download and see who the real hog is cheers
Answer #8
Perhaps you could try doing a System Restore to an earlier point when this problem didn’t exist?
Answer #9
Thanks guys for the last couple of ideas. I’ll give them a go and get back. Got get this fixed. Absolute pain as you could imagine. Can’t do any downloading or leave pc running whilst all this bandwidth is disappearing. Too bloody expensive as it is here in regional area.


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