Macbook anger

August 6th, 2016

Mums Partner got a Late 2007 Macbook
we bought it used,
everything seemed fine with it when we got it,
then it started being slow as hell,
installed Microsoft Word on it and since then it’s just SLOW
uninstalled Word and its still crap
takes about 10 minutes to load up,
opening software takes ages,
when you type it lags…
he bought an extra 2GB Ram (now has 4 instead of 2)
but it didnt help at all…
I restored the whole thing but again its just annoying me,
what else can be done?

Answer #1
Get the HDD checked out, Maybe it’s in bad condition!
Use this app:
Answer #2
I agree. If you’ve already done a clean OS install and its still really slow, I would suspect HDD problems.
Answer #3


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