Need help in answering this nuclear question

January 20th, 2020

Hey, does anyone know how powerful LGM Minuteman III is? I mean, how exactly strong is it?
Answer #1
Yield = 1005 kilotons according to this..
Answer #2
Some other sources say 1.2 MT. Whew Razz On a scale of comparison, its 50 times more powerful than the Little Boy, that was dropped in Hiroshima.
Answer #3
On a scale of comparison, its 50 times more powerful than the Little Boy, that was dropped in Hiroshima.
that’s just frightening Smile
Answer #4
I don’t think i can imagine it myself. And I really don’t want to see it…. except prolly in a game. That would be awesome Razz
Answer #5
On a scale of comparison, its 50 times more powerful than the Little Boy, that was dropped in Hiroshima.
that's just frightening Smile

Especially when it can hit speeds of approximately 15,000 mph (Mach 23, or 24,100 km/h, or 7 km/s) and a range of 8,100 miles (13,000 km)
Answer #6
On a scale of comparison, its 50 times more powerful than the Little Boy, that was dropped in Hiroshima.
that's just frightening Smile

Especially when it can hit speeds of approximately 15,000 mph (Mach 23, or 24,100 km/h, or 7 km/s) and a range of 8,100 miles (13,000 km)

Answer #7
am not wanting this to happen but, what if five Minuteman hit US. Would the entire US be affected?
Answer #8
Well, depending on where it hits, yes and no. Why, did you hear something?
Answer #9
am not wanting this to happen but, what if five Minuteman hit US. Would the entire US be affected?
5 probably isnt enough for a ‘nuclear winter’ effect, but depending on where they were targeted, you could cause massive food shortages, and would likely cripple industry in the area
Answer #10
Well, depending on where it hits, yes and no. Why, did you hear something?
yeah… the guy from the opposite house was “suffering” yesterday… at the toilet and it CRIPPLED my digestive system… just kidding btw…
no, I just want to know because the cost per unit for Minuteman is cheaper than LGM PEACEKEEPER (retired) and other nuclear missiles, so I would like to know whether it is powerful enough for it.
Answer #11
Oh you bet it is!
Answer #12
well according to wikipedia, the US has 450 Minuteman III missiles housed in Silo’s around the US
I just want to know because the cost per unit for Minuteman is cheaper than LGM PEACEKEEPER (retired) and other nuclear missiles, so I would like to know whether it is powerful enough for it.
Each one of these missles costing US$7,000,000
The Minuteman III missles has been in service since 1970 and USAF plans to operate it until 2040.
The first Minuteman missiles were in service in 1962
LGM-118 Peacekeeper costs around US$70 million each..
Answer #13
On a scale of comparison, its 50 times more powerful than the Little Boy, that was dropped in Hiroshima.
that's just frightening Smile

Especially when it can hit speeds of approximately 15,000 mph (Mach 23, or 24,100 km/h, or 7 km/s) and a range of 8,100 miles (13,000 km)

Look up the Tsar Bomber.
Answer #14
@D r e a M – we’re so screwed aren’t we? Razz and i cant believe they actually tested that!!! 100 MT! a 64km tall mushroom cloud! 5km radius fireball… WoW … now THAT one really deserves a GOD-DAYUMMMMMMNHHH Razz
Answer #15
Here’s complete specs , Source :Jane’s Information Group

o Year Deployed: 1970
o Dimensions: 18.2 meters length, 1.85 meters diameter
o Weight: 34,467 kilograms
o Propulsion: Three stage solid-fuel (liquid PBV), hot launch
o Throw-weight: 1,150 kilograms
o Range: 13,000 kilometers
o Guidance: Inertial, plus computer controlled PBV
o Circular Error Probable: 120 meters (220 meters currently, without planned upgrade)1
o Warhead: 3 x Mk. 21, W78 (to be fitted with 1 x Mk. 21, W87)
o Yield: 335 kilotons (300 or 400 kilotons with W87 upgrade)
o Locations: Malmstrom AFB - 200 planned, Minot AFB - 150 planned, and F E Warren AFB - 150 planned
o Number Deployed: 530 missiles (500 planned)
o Primary Contractor: Boeing Aerospace

Answer #16
well according to wikipedia, the US has 450 Minuteman III missiles housed in Silo's around the US
I just want to know because the cost per unit for Minuteman is cheaper than LGM PEACEKEEPER (retired) and other nuclear missiles, so I would like to know whether it is powerful enough for it.
Each one of these missles costing US$7,000,000
The Minuteman III missles has been in service since 1970 and USAF plans to operate it until 2040.
The first Minuteman missiles were in service in 1962
LGM-118 Peacekeeper costs around US$70 million each..

I know man… dude… I didn’t ask bout that… I asked bout why it is so cheaper than the others? Peacekepper is retired and the warheads are used in Minuteman so, why are the Min-Man so cheap and like all millionaires could afford at least one to present as a trophy?
Answer #17
I know man... dude... I didn't ask bout that... I asked bout why it is so cheaper than the others?
Probably because it’s largely based on the same R&D as earlier versions, so the research overhead is comparatively minimal.
Answer #18
@D r e a M - we're so screwed aren't we? Razz and i cant believe they actually tested that!!! 100 MT! a 64km tall mushroom cloud! 5km radius fireball... WoW ... now THAT one really deserves a GOD-DAYUMMMMMMNHHH Razz
The one they actualy tested was only 50MT, the original design would have had a 100MT yeild, but they didnt have enough plutonium to build it, and were worried about how much fallout something in the 100MT range would generate
Answer #19
@D r e a M - we're so screwed aren't we? Razz and i cant believe they actually tested that!!! 100 MT! a 64km tall mushroom cloud! 5km radius fireball... WoW ... now THAT one really deserves a GOD-DAYUMMMMMMNHHH Razz
The one they actualy tested was only 50MT, the original design would have had a 100MT yeild, but they didnt have enough plutonium to build it, and were worried about how much fallout something in the 100MT range would generate

Fallout… we wouldn’t want that now would we? hehe Razz and its funny how you say only 50 MT Razz
Answer #20
What?, they actually tested one with a live warhead ??
You sure?
Answer #21
What?, they actually tested one with a live warhead ??
You sure?
Answer #22
Yes I know that live warheads have been detonated in rigorously controlled conditions (delivered by plane, tested underground etc), several times in fact.
What I am questioning is whether a test was ever made of launching a missile with a live warhead.
Not specifically Minuteman, but any live nuclear armed missile.
The risks of things going catastrophically wrong with what is just a test are huge. I imagine they would have tested the missile unarmed, and the nuclear device separately.
Answer #23
They did test the live warhead. Because if just the unarmed missile produced a 64 km tall mushroom cloud, i’d really hate to know what the armed missile would do.
Answer #24
Yeah, but the wiki article says this testing of a Russian nuclear device was not delivered by a missile, it was dropped from a plane, which is a completely different scenario with a highly predictable result.
Answer #25
Yes I know that live warheads have been detonated in rigorously controlled conditions (delivered by plane, tested underground etc), several times in fact.
What I am questioning is whether a test was ever made of launching a missile with a live warhead.
Not specifically Minuteman, but any live nuclear armed missile.
The risks of things going catastrophically wrong with what is just a test are huge. I imagine they would have tested the missile unarmed, and the nuclear device separately.

i couldnt say for sure, but i would imagine that that would be true. even if you could be completly sure that something wouldnt go wrong with the missile, launching an armed missile tends to provoke responses.
Answer #26
Wow… in that case the effect of that missile would me multiplied several times considering the momentum of an armed missile traveling at several times the speed of sound.
Answer #27
Wow... in that case the effect of that missile would me multiplied several times considering the momentum of an armed missile traveling at several times the speed of sound.
the warheads never actualy hit the ground, and the missile itself burn up during re-entry, so the momentum of the missile doesnt affect the weapon yeild
Answer #28
So you mean the explosion occurs before any part of the warhead makes actual contact with the surface?
Answer #29
So you mean the explosion occurs before any part of the warhead makes actual contact with the surface?
Gives a greater effect like that, hitting a wider surface area.
Answer #30
So you mean the explosion occurs before any part of the warhead makes actual contact with the surface?
yes. they are usualy detonated about 1km above the surface, which maximizes the damage caused by the shockwave. deatonating closer to the ground causes the wave to be dampened against the surface, and increases the amount of fall out
Answer #31
Ohhh… thanks for that info, until now i thought missiles exploded on contact with target.
Answer #32
to think these were during the 70 and 80s. i wonder what kind of secret weapons the US and russia have now. i dont want to think about this anymore
Answer #33
to think these were during the 70 and 80s. i wonder what kind of secret weapons the US and russia have now. i dont want to think about this anymore
US might be having such weapons that would surely destroy the Earth. That’s only a 30-20 years interval. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if it’s the 25th century? Damn, I wished we could see the day.


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