Dark souls 2 Save

August 4th, 2016

So basically i played my game using a pirated version (reloaded) one, i have a 150 SL character with good items and everything i need, i want to play online , so i thought of buying the game , i know that saves are linked to the profile name, since i used a pirated version, i am not sure what name it used .. my saves are located here
01100001640c1b80 – i got no clue how this string was generated , i tried installing this same pirated version in my other laptop, unfortunately it generated a different id this time
if i use the save(with 150 char) , it just says that the save data cannot be read, i have tried many things but i could just not get the save to work in my other laptop.
So if i buy the game now i could never use this save version ? , is there anything i can do ?

Answer #1
i wish i fkn knew dude it’s a real pain. especially for anyone using fts since they aren’t updating it.
Answer #2
I don’t think cracked files (RLD saves) will work with steam files
RLD coded the files for their location, not steams location of the save files
i could never use this save version
I don’t know of any way, no
Answer #3
I figured it out some time back. Hope this helps.
1. Start a new game and exit after you appear in ‘Things Betwixt’ (First area) back to the main menu. (Important)
2. ALT-TAB out of the game.Leave it running.
3. Go to the AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsII\ folder and identify which folder/save has just been created. Just look at the modified/Created date of the folder/savefile.
4. Copy and Paste the old save file (the real one you want to use/transfer) over the new one/ replace it.
5. Go back to the game and try click continue. Try load the new game you see.
6. The game will tell you that it can’t load it but insist and try loading it again. It will work and show your old save game’s characters.
7. OR after trying to load the game and error pops up, exit the game and come back, it will work. This has worked flawlessly every time. I use it to transfer saves between my legit version and the RELOADED copy.
I can confirm that it also works in transferring to the FTS/3DM version and vice-versa.
Hope this helps.
Answer #4
awesome dude ty!!! What i had to do to get it to work was right after i hit continue my old character shows up, but i get errors so i can’t play, and if i restart it will show as corrupted data, so right after i hit continue and see my old profile show up, i went to new game and went back to the main menu again and everything works now.
Answer #5
Can someone share savegame with almost completed if not even completed game due to required progress to get into DLC ?
Answer #6
Thank you so much! Can’t believe this worked.
Answer #7
Doesnt works anymore after 1.04 update and DLC
Answer #8
i tried this with the old update and failed but i with the new update i did something i didn’t before. after i copied and it didn’t let me get in my game and pressed new game and then loaded my own save that was beside the new game one. i suppose this guide has it as well but cba to read it fully


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