BSOD on every startup

February 3rd, 2020

Win7 64 bit
16 gig ram SSD drives .
Started getting BSOD on every startup when windows loads the desktop .
dumpfile says the crash is ntoskrnl.exe
In safe mode ran memtest overnight with no errors .
I have a SSD drive and trim is activated .
From safe mode scheduled windows to run Chkdsk to scan and fix HD errors .
When Chkdsk was running I seen something about 1 orphaned file which was repaired , couldnt read any of the rest it just flashed on screen for a few seconds .
Rebooted the machine and it did not BSOD and appears to operate correctly . It seems to have had something amiss with the SSD drive that Chkdsk repaired , my question is does this mean the SSD drive is about to cave in , its only a year old and done very little work ? This has been a very stable machine and nothing had changed its just happened out of nowhere .

Answer #1
Hardware problem, replace the RAM.
Try removing one stick and see if it crashes. If so, try the other stick.
If it’s DDR3, you are best replacing both sticks anyway (assuming there are two).
Answer #2
You still think its ram even though memtest had no errors , it Bsod 6 times in a row on boot at exactly the same point then after memtest and chkdsk its been booting ok .
If it does it again I will remove the ram sticks and try and isolate it .
Answer #3
chkdsk fixed it, that’s what it’s there for.
I wouldn’t worry about your hardware yet, I have used chkdsk loads of times over the years to fix things on my HD’s and the ones I have at the moment are at least 10 years old and still running smoothly.


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