Website Format

August 1st, 2016

Ever since you put up your 10th Anniversry banner, the FORMATTING of your website has changed to where It’s hard to navigate and looks all GENERIC..
I am using Google Chrome.
When I use Firefox, everything is normal again.
What went wrong and how can I fix this> I don’t care for Firefox and Google Chrome used to work PERFECT for me until you posted your 10th Anniversary.
Help Please?

Answer #1
Please remember to double check that all your links have been coded. #3.10 links must be coded - including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords and internal links.

Please do not double post, -
#3.7 I It is forbidden to double post on the board. It means that you are not allowed to reply twice in a row in any topic. Use the edit button when altering your reply if you're the last to post in the topic.

Answer #2
– Clear the cache in chrome
– Allow mixed content

Krypto wrote: Select all

How to get Chrome to allow mixed content
I did this to my chrome since they removed the option to bypass the mixed content in newer versions and it fixed the problem for me it may work for you In Windows I went to the “Start Button” go to “Run” and put in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe  --allow-running-insecure-content
You seem to be able to add the argument –allow-running-insecure-content to bypass this for development purposes. This worked with OS X systems also they stated.
I came across it on a development site so of course I had to try it!
Myself I usually run FireFox but occasionally I need to use Chrome.
You can try installing a clean new install of Chrome if the above doesn’t work for you.
Answer #3
Same issue here with only this website and Chrome, in Firefox it looks fine. I’ve been to plenty of mixed secure/insecure websites and they all load fine, but in Chrome when I View Source, this css file isn’t loading in Chrome but loads fine
in Firefox, wtf?
If you’re going to put an SSL cert on this site then you should make ALL the content secure or you’re just creating problems for a lot of your users and the cert is pointless, it’s kinda pointless anyway for this site to be SSL when you don’t sell anything.
Please remember that all links must be coded, including, but not limited to:
e-mail addresses, passwords, IMDb links, Image Links, Links in Quotes and all other internal links.
I've coded the link(s) for you this time - if you don't know how to do it, please check the sticky thread in the helpdesk section.


Answer #4
i have the same problem. site looks bad with chrome and all well in firefox.