How to reduce database size ? help me plz..

December 23rd, 2013

Hello Friends.
I have a forum site with vBulletin 4.0.8 .
once i backup my files + database.sql.gz
now i trying to restore ma site.
first i restored my host files then
i’m tried to import database.sql.gz file via myphpadmin.
there is message given Maximum 50MB can import.
my database size is 110 mb.
what i do ? how to upload ma data base ?
please help me friends…

Answer #1
Answer #2
MySQL has the function built into it.
Just make a regular query using that function.
Answer #3
There is a script called “bigdump”
This will allow you to import larger databases.
Many people don’t like to use it. Personally I have used it (on my wordpress site) and it worked perfectly.
From memory, you need to change a few details in bigdump (your database login and password etc) and then place your database in the same directory as big dump.
Navigate to big dump – for example –
You should see your database as a selectable item.
Then click Start or Dump or Import (cant remember exactly) it takes a few moments – so dont close the page.
Hopefully everything will go well.
Answer #4
Mohsin* replied:
what i do ? how to upload ma data base ?

Use bigdump:
Do edit the DB info & Filename,And of course upload the db itself (.sql,not in compressed form),After importing,Delete bigdump & the db,Also,For security
reasons,Better change the bigdump filename before uploading.
Edit: Looks like I was too late


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