[SOLVED]AppleMobileDeviceService.Exe – 50% of CPU

December 13th, 2013

Hey guys,
Yesterday i have installed iTunes 10.5 but when i run iTunes, suddenly AppleMobileDeviceService.exe and iTunes have used up to %50 of CPU. I unistalled itunes and all apple software and reinstalled them but still the same thing. I don’t know what to do!!
Any help??
Thanks anyway!!

Answer #1
Do you use any mobile devices? Just disable the service…
Answer #2
of course i use, iPhone . Is there any fix?? Because i want to update my iPhone to iOS 5 and back it up as well..
Answer #3
Well, give us some details. I don’t have much to go off of right now, except that it runs at 50% cpu usage.
For how long? Is your device plugged in? Have you done a restart?
PS: I never update iTunes unless I have to, automatic updates are disabled. Still using here with no problems.
Answer #4
well, i had that issue before when i updated itunes to 10.4.1 but i have unistalled all the related softwares and i reinstalled them and the problem has gone. But unfortunately this time, something goes wrong. Even if i don’t plug my device, AppleMobileDeviceService.exe is keep using my 50% of cpu unless i stopped it(from taskmanager)
NOTE: i have noticed that if i don’t run iTunes, AppleMobileDeviceService.exe is using 0% of cpu.But when i run iTunes then both are using 50% of cpu!
Answer #5
I honestly have no idea what to tell you. Sounds like a bug to me. Are all your drivers up to date?
Also, is there any disk usage going on during this time? If so, which files are being written/read?
Answer #6
Well, i finally found it. Was the iTunes Library.itl which causing the high cpu usage. After deleting it my cpu has finally relax .. thanks for the program and your support


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