your favorite AV (Kaspersky,ZoneAlarm,Norton,Avira,nod32..)

August 4th, 2016

We all know that there’s “no best one”, lots of discussions and the results of these products constantly change. For this reason i’ve made this poll, so people will/can get a better look to it.
Real time scanners:
-Kaspersky Internet Security
-Norton Internet Security -ZoneAlarm Extreme Security
– Avira Antivir Personal (free)

On-demand scanners:
(try to run a scan once a week)
-SUPERAntiSpyware -a-sqaured Free

-Agnitum: Outpost Firewall Pro -Comodo Firewall free
-Online armor
For more information about it see here

Answer #1
ZzZZz . Move To Help !
Answer #2
Answer #3
Norton and Kaspersky are the best at the the moment (taking into account usability, virus detection and firewall). Zonealarm is slightly lower down because of its slightly unintuitive interface/firewall function (my opinion) and lower virus detection. I cannot recall where I found virus tests for the suites so search google if you are interested.
Answer #4
Norton and Kaspersky are the best! FTW!!!
Answer #5
Bump: Please someone help me
Answer #6
i thought norton SUCKED!?
btw Kaspersky ftw!
Answer #7
You can read this,2817,2333444,00.asp
I use Zonealarm today but is not that enthusiastic.
It don’t discover all threats so I use also AD-Aware pro.
Answer #8
NOD32 low resources, high detection rate
avast is pretty good as a free alternative
Answer #9
You can read this,2817,2333444,00.asp
I use Zonealarm today but is not that enthusiastic.
It don't discover all threats so I use also AD-Aware pro.

Thanks for the link “”
I’ve already cheked, NIS 2009 scores best at this link, but the new ZoneAlarm Extreme Security is becomming a large competition for Norton Internet Security 2009.
I thought firstly to use ZoneAlarm Extreme security in combination with AVG Inter Security 2009.
Btw, are you using Ad-Aware Pro Anniversary Edition?
If so: would you share the link if you can?
Answer #10
, feel free to check:
Answer #11
Thanks people for all comments.
~~Feel free to give your opinions!~~
Answer #12
why is norton good all of the sudden?
Answer #13
I thought firstly to use ZoneAlarm Extreme security in combination with AVG Inter Security 2009.
You should not use two real time scanners together.
And there is no best. They each have their weaknesses somewhere so it will finally boil down to your preference. And what do I use now?
I’m testing Panda’s Cloud AV on one of my comps with Comodo Firewall, so far so good.Running Avira AntiVir Personal + Comodo Firewall on another, and Kaspersky IS 2009 on the other and I’m happy with those two setups.
I tend to use on-demand scanners from time to time. My favorite are Malwarebytes’ Antimalware, Super Antispyware and A-Sqaured Free.
Btw Norton 2009 is not like its older relatives. It has really improved on resource allocation and detection.
Answer #14
, feel free to check:
thx, will check it, seems very helpful
wrote: You should not use two real time scanners together.
I'm testing Panda's Cloud AV on one of my comps with Comodo Firewall, so far so good.Running Avira AntiVir Personal + Comodo Firewall on another, and Kaspersky IS 2009 on the other and I'm happy with those two setups. I tend to use on-demand scanners from time to time. My favorite are Malwarebytes' Antimalware, Super Antispyware and A-Sqaured Free.
Yes You’re right.
A combo of Avira Antivir Personal + Comodo Firewall + SuperAntiSpyware + Malwarebytes = best freeware security combo i’ve heard.
Jeebus wrote Pirating antivirus is lame. There are two things one must not pirate, OS and antivirus. You wanna have a legit OS so you nevver have to bother whit dangerous cracks, and same whit antivirus you dont wanna have a keylogger along with crack.
If you cant afoord an antivirus get freeare. As matter of fact freeware tends to be better, lighter and more efficient than big heavy antivirus that cost 40 or 60 dollar.

Hi All thanks for the replies, much appreciated.
Answer #15
~~Feel free to give your opinions!~~
Answer #16
comments are still welcome
Answer #17
why norton good all of the sudden?
Answer #18

PiratezRme wrote: Select all

why norton good all of the sudden?
Good question, I do not know it also for certainly.
Only thing i’m sure for is that the 2009 product have a lighter resource, much faster. Not like the past versions of Norton, regardless of functionality, have been resource hogs. I’ve seen many test where norton 2009 score’s very good.
You can look them up, even in my toppic.
Answer #19
why norton good all of the sudden?
It is not all of a sudden. It’s just that Norton decided to listen (before developing 2009) what the users are complaining with, and develop that points accordingly. You can try Norton 2009 and an older version on a virtual machine and you will see the difference in resource allocation. And the detection rate is not bad also.
Answer #20
why norton good all of the sudden?
It is not all of a sudden. It's just that Norton decided to listen (before developing 2009) what the users are complaining with, and develop that points accordingly. You can try Norton 2009 and an older version on a virtual machine and you will see the difference in resource allocation. And the detection rate is not bad also.
Thanks for explaining.
, could you answar this?
A combo of Avira Antivir Personal + Comodo Firewall + SuperAntiSpyware + Malwarebytes = best freeware security combo i’ve heard, right?
What should i use if i have 2 choises: -Use payment: (crack, keys downloads from this site) spyware/virusscanners [wich ones?] (not with trailresetters) – Freewares: a combo like i earlier have told above? or other ones [ wich ones?]
Answer #21
That freeware combo (Comodo Firewall + Avira AntiVir Personal +SAS +MBAM) does its job really good, they are all free and doesn’t make you deal with cracks and patches.
I suggest you not to use cracks, patches or trial resets. The key files of Kaspersky are exceptions since they only duplicate legitimate license files.
Or if you are gonna really pay for AVs, I would suggest Kaspersky or GData.
Each of these alternatives do their job well; it’s up to your decision which one to choose.
Answer #22
That freeware combo (Comodo Firewall + Avira AntiVir Personal +SAS +MBAM) does its job really good, they are all free and doesn't make you deal with cracks and patches.
I suggest you not to use cracks, patches or trial resets. The key files of Kaspersky are exceptions since they only duplicate legitimate license files.
Or if you are gonna really pay for AVs, I would suggest Kaspersky or GData.
Each of these alternatives do their job well; it's up to your decision which one to choose.

Ok thanks ,so much appreciated!
still got some questions: if i’m gonna use KIS 2009, is there any other product to combine with KIS 2009 for optimal protection?
For example something like Comodo Firewall – SuperAntiSpyware – Malwarebytes,… or other?
What do you know of AVG Internet Security 8.5?
Because my cousin has always had avg and says me to use this.?
There are 2 serials, one ends in 2010 the other one in 2018 both on . Do you suggest not to use this serials (do they affect?)Or are they legitimate?
Answer #23
if i'm gonna use KIS 2009, is there any other product to combine with KIS 2009 for optimal protection?
You don’t need a firewall but you will need on demand scanners (MBAM + SAS + A-Squared maybe)
What do you know of AVG Internet Security 8.5?
I find it to the quite weak in detection and I don’t recommend it.
There are 2 serials, one ends in 2010 the other one in 2018 both on .
Do you suggest not to use this serials (do they affect?)Or are they legitimate?

Serials of what exactly, for AVG ? Key files or license files or simply text serials which you enter into the program to register are harmless most of the time.
Answer #24
Serials of what exactly, for AVG ? Key files or license files or simply text serials which you enter into the program to register are harmless most of the time.
For example: Serial number(s)/key(s) removed -
#3.14 Posting serial numbers or license keys in messages is not allowed.

Answer #25
Somebody already got some experience/comments about the new AV’s from 2010? (Kaspersky, Panda, ect..)