Your anonymous strategy?

February 19th, 2014

I’m very new here and have been experimenting with OpenVPN and now, the TOR browser. (please yell back if this is not the correct forum for such a question)
I couldn’t find a commercial client that is able to communicate with me how to configure OpenVPN to work with them. BtGuard seemed to work okay with my Win 7 32 desktop. However, my goal is to surf and download with my Vista laptop, and they weren’t able to communicate (or I wasn’t able to understand, being a network flunky) with me the proper settings. I liked that BtGuard only had a 1 month subscription so I only lost $10.
Now I’m trying TOR browser and it seems to have its weaknesses. Along with my neophyte status, that’s not good.
What do you use? What are tips to your success?

Answer #1
What exactly are you trying to do again?
Answer #2
try a free VPN service.
Answer #3
If you want a very good VPN service with reliability
You want one that is free at the moment, and you can use with OpenVPN, try
It is in beta at the moment, and only seems to connect via tcp not Udp for the past few days, but the PPTP servers are fine.
I think that is what you are asking for anyway ??
Answer #4
gilly replied: You want one that is free at the moment, and you can use with OpenVPN, try

Better hurry!
Users limit: 14921 / 15000
EDIT2: I see that =D
Answer #5
SmAsHeDr replied: gilly replied: You want one that is free at the moment, and you can use with OpenVPN, try

Better hurry!
Users limit: 14921 / 15000

lolz, damn FF users, always bitchin’
Just for you – in future I will use http
*EDIT – you edited you post just as I was quoting ha ha !
Answer #6
Thanks all for those tips and links. You’re a great team.
Answer #7
just remember guys.
“if something is free, then you are the product”
now try put vpn into this.


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