Will Someone Share an RS Account?

July 5th, 2022

Hey, I wondered if someone would share a premium account with me?
Even though I only have a few posts, I feel as if I’m trusted enough.
I just need to download a few movies or TV series, so not a lot, and I will agree to any limitations that the account holder wishes. I don’t have much to offer, but anything I can, I will give.
Might upload a few things if the account holder wishes, to earn them points.
I don’t think RS can ban the person if it is only 2/3 people using it.
Thanks very much in advance.

Answer #1
Yeah they ban if its 2 different IPs using it.
Answer #2
Really? 2? That’s just stupid.
Answer #3
Check the off-topic section, some are still not banned/deleted, byt you gotta be quick.


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