wifi antena change

August 5th, 2016

hi everyone i need your help i want to change the antena of my modem (pirelli broadband “DRG A225G B-401-200-2-2” can some one say how does this stuff go which antenas are supported etc cuz i’m new into this antena changing stuff :/ so i guess out of 2 milion members there might be some that know about this thanks in advance :S
Answer #1
I can’t find any pictures of the router, so it’s hard to say. But like 80/90% of the time the antenna’s are universal.
Answer #2
can i get u a picture ?
edit:here is the picture
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Answer #3
Need to check the connection type of the antenna
Answer #4
can i post the link of the homepage of the modem ? :S
EDIT: i will post the brochure in .pdf to download written specs etc
http://www.~ Dead file host ~/?d=LSZKDI6X
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Answer #5
CaN’t see anything about the antenna @ the manual.
When you screw your antenna off does the connection look like this:
Answer #6
i never actually screw my antena cuz my antenna is really small the default one of pirelli drg a225g
Answer #7
Bring it to a computer shop and try each one.
I doubt that you will get much improvement as I have bench marked using Wireless Mon.
Better off improving the transmission signal.
Answer #8
well i want to get a antenna with 15 km transmission so i think it will work
EDIT:btw i live in montenegro so we can’t try parts out :S this is how good they are here
Answer #9
Just build yourself a cantenna if you feel like your up for it.
Answer #10
ok but first i need to know how to screw my default antenna :S?
Answer #11
Get in touch with these guys, just tell them what router/wap you have and they will tell you what you can do.
Answer #12
As far as i can see these antennas of your router are NOT detachable.
Your going the wrong way about this,If anything you should
extend the antenna of your wireless card. Also do note
that you should have a transmit power setting in
the routers interface and increasing it may improve
the signal quite signifcantly.
Answer #13
look how it looks inside the modem :S 1. Image
2. Image
3. Image
Answer #14
Dude just extend the antenna of your wireless card!
Or increase the transmit power setting as said ^
Answer #15
dude i don’t have a wireless card :S i just want to make my friend possible to have internet becouse he is like 1 km away from me so i wanted to help him :S
Answer #16
1km away is impossible.
Correct me if i’m wrong
Answer #17
100% true,Even 802.11n is limited to 70 meters.
Tell your friend to work out some other arrangement,Can’t he pick up any unsecured wireless networks in his area? And is
he/his parents that poor that they can’t afford paying for internet?
Answer #18
well no his parents aren’t poor just reasonble cuz its a area that no one has even phones so its hard to get it costs like 3000 euro :S i think that is much :S
@ i don’t know but i thought about a antena that can boost a signal like 15 km i’ve seen it on a website
Answer #19
Okay i take it back,I did some checking and there are some antennas
that extend the range as much as 1.5 miles,Still this will
have to be done on the wireless card level and not your router,Personally
i think it’s too much of a bother.
well no his parents aren't poor just reasonble cuz its a area that no one has even phones so its hard to get it costs like 3000 euro :S i think that is much :S

I don’t know where your getting your information but i find it very
hard to believe,Phones were invented long time ago,No way they
don’t have one,And 3000 euros for internet? Sounds completely
absurd. I’d say your being lied to.
Answer #20
it’s not that but its in montenegro dude so it’s a piece of ~love~ its like a small area that doesnt have telephone lines and to bring a box full with numbers it costs like 3000 euro and none of the neighbors want’s to pay so it’s costs 3000 euro if he want’s to bring the box with the numbers :S


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