why has my PM remained unanswered?

August 6th, 2016

Why has my PM remained unanswered? I PM’d a mod on December 29, 2009 and she still hasn’t gotten back to me
Answer #1
Don’t you think the only person that could possibly answer that question would be the person you sent the PM to?
How in the hell would anyone else other than that person be able to know why they didn’t answer you?
This post has been reviewed and no action was taken - .::.
Answer #2
You seem to be a very angry person prozac, he was just asking a question. It’s called Help Desk for a reason.. Not “Hey here’s a question, come yell at me for asking it.”
PM more than one Moderator. Moderator/Super/Elite, doesn’t matter. Any Moderator will take care of the problem for you. The certain Moderator you PM’d might have been busy/is busy at the moment due to reports/etc. I’ll PM a Moderator for you to speed the process up.
Answer #3
they are busy due to the reports.. or she doesn’t realize that you’ve PM’d her.. try pming other mods (, Bounce, chiaotzu doesn’t matter).. but do not PM admin, unless the mod can’t solve your problem!
Answer #4
I’m not angry, just logical. People that ask questions that couldn’t possibly be answered (or could be answered by using a little logic and/or spending <1 minute on Google) irritate the piss out of me.
He’s asking a question that is, by nature, unanswerable by anyone except the recipient of the PM he sent.
Answer #5
Send PM again or PM a different mod. Usually mods get hundreds of PMs everyday so they sort of tune out of them. If you are not specific in title about the problem chances are its deep buried and forgotten and you need to send it again.
Answer #6
just pm Jeebus, he gets thing DONE!
Answer #7
just pm Jeebus, he gets thing DONE!

I have been lulled into a lol here
Answer #8
PM a mod
if no reply in a day or 2
PM another mod
repeat as necessary the OP is a fairly new member and rude replies may intimidate sounds to me like the OP was already intimidated by mods, which you should never be, especially here @ WBB
Answer #9
Sometimes you read so many PMs…You miss replying to one of them…It happens..
PM the Mod again…And if he doesn’t reply and it’s important…PM me…
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