Where is my Album Art?

January 13th, 2014

Hi everyone, this should be an easy one
I’m trying to find my album art so I can put them all together, print them off and use it as a poster with 100’s of pictures in it, a sort of organised collage. I have a lot of albums covers and it’s going to look really good.
So the question is really just this, Where is my album artwork stored? or if it isn’t stored but just integrated into the .mp3’s, how do I extract them?
I have Windows 7 64bit and ill be messing around with the files (when I can find them) with Photoshop, resizing ect. Oh I’m also using Windows Media Player, I tried this using iTunes but its getting everything wrong and mixing up the art..
Your help would be much appreciated thanks

Answer #1
Go to folder options and click on show hidden files and folders and the images should show as folder.jpg (I don’t use Windows Media Player so you may also have to uncheck Hide System Files as well, I can’t remember)
If the artwork is embedded in the mp3 extract it using Tag & Rename
Answer #2
Most music players allow you to drag and drop the artwork to your desktop.
Answer #3
Album art is stored inside the file tag.
Tag&Rename 3.5.7 (compatible with Win7 x64) can extract the album art from any MP3 file (if it has one). I do it all the time.
Open the MP3 in Tag&Rename, select Tools > Extract Folder.jpg from Files Tag.


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