what to study?
July 17th, 2019 i seriously need your help. it’s the matter of my future ! thanx.
I don’t know what that Grades mean, but I think with English literature you can do all these things:
Arts-related communications work (writing, publishing, museums, etc.)
Teaching, journalism, advertising, marketing, design, customer service, translation; media and entertainment (radio, television, film, etc.)
You aren’t interested in any of that? If not, and you are not good in Math you maybe can study biology, something like Genetic or …
Hope this helps!
thank you very much for the reply. of course i’m interested in them but as i wanted to try some of the items you mentioned, but employers refused english to be qualified to work in medias or advertising or marketing. they said that for marketing, i need to have marketing major. for media, media major needed. im confused.
thank you very much for the reply. of course i'm interested in them but as i wanted to try some of the items you mentioned, but employers refused english to be qualified to work in medias or advertising or marketing. they said that for marketing, i need to have marketing major. for media, media major needed. im confused.
mmm yeah i see, maybe as you said you want to try something different, so try with biology, natural science, as they dont require a high level of math.
I wish I can help you mate, but im also confused about my future, I’m 19
If your maths is bad, and is stopping you study what you want, why not take a maths course?