What phone to pick ;o

November 14th, 2021

Well, after xmas, im wanting to get a new phone.
Id like a Music phone (Sony Ericsson walkman, etc)
I have a Motorola v3, and a Ipod Nano 8gb atm
Any tips?
ps. Budget will be �100, give or a take �10 xD

Answer #1
Hmm, There are so many phones these days its hard to say
But i have a sony ericson walkman phone w810i and i like it
Good luck
Answer #2
The best phone is one that rings
Answer #3
I have a SYNC and its awesome
Its GSM so it will work in Europe
I got mine with a contract for $20
Answer #4
Ah, Pay as you go only
@Headucation : I was looking at the 810i and thae 550i Grey, Couldnt choose xD
Answer #5
Ah, Pay as you go only
@Headucation : I was looking at the 810i and thae 550i Grey, Couldnt choose xD

I like the w550i, I wanted one myself But like i said there is too many to choose from Good luck
Answer #6
w550i grey looks cool (meh loves blue )
But ive heard alot about cracking buttons :S
Answer #7

But ive heard alot about cracking buttons :S

I have not heard that But im sure you will make up your mind
Good luck
Answer #8
What you do is you get an N95 on a contract, insured.
Once you have it for a month and have paid the first bill or two you take your phone to a non-affiliated mobile phone shop and get it unlocked to any network.
Then you phone the police and tell them the phone was snatched out your hand by a chav. The cops will give you a crime number which you will pass onto your provider.
They will then send you a replacement.
After which is a good time to list your unlocked N95 on ebay and make yourself around the �200-250 mark. Which will easily pay for your years subscription.
Works everytime.


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