What is the best live cd that u used?
July 25th, 2016
that have all facilities like video player, photo viewer, internet and etc.
i want to try it..
since, im just a beginner in this linux thing.
Ubuntu .. is great .. simple & GUI is quite easy to familiar with ! …
LiveCD depends on your RAM ... also for Compiz Effects ..
Loved the Ubuntu Live disk, even has an option to install the OS while you browse the internet
One more that recommends you to try Ubuntu
I recommend 10.04.1 rather 10.10 though, a personal preference.
and regarding videoplayer/music player u gonna need to download plugins for that to work on Ubuntu unless ur files are .ogg !!
Depends what I use it for but I swap between Ubuntu (for system recovery etc), Backtrack (for wardriving, sniffing etc.) or Damn Small if size is an issue.