Way to upgrade and replace all my low bitrate mp3s?

August 1st, 2016

Hey guys. Im just curious, if there is a tool that IDs all your mp3s that are below a certain bitrate, and based of ID tags will download a higher quality one, and replace it? Just a thought I had, but it’d be really nice to fix all the low quality songs in my library automatically rather than download it all on my own
Answer #1
It would be bloody handy, wouldn’t it!!
I don’t know of one – it would have to be up-datable with new mp3 servers as old ones get DRM killed.
Answer #2
If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. Unfortunately i think the only way to do it would be manually song by song
Answer #3
The only way i think you can do this is by Apple’s iTunes Match, which is a paid (subscription based) service. I personally have it and it’s really good, it has converted about 80% (if not more) of my music into better (iTunes quality) music files. If you have a very large music library, i think its worth it, read on Apple’s site for more info.
Answer #4

Adil2010 wrote: Select all

The only way i think you can do this is by Apple’s iTunes Match, which is a paid (subscription based) service. I personally have it and it’s really good, it has converted about 80% (if not more) of my music into better (iTunes quality) music files. If you have a very large music library, i think its worth it, read on Apple’s site for more info.
Sounds interesting, but very expensive. I have ~8k songs, so I can see that getting out of hand. I have a monthly Rhapsody subscription, just was hoping there would be an easier way
Answer #5
Technically, There’s an easier way, But you’re still gonna have do it manually!
Many people download albums/compilations on a regular basis, And out of sheer laziness, Keep em as-is (Despite liking only a few songs from each album!) and this just ends up taking up space for no good reason.
So I suggest you go thru your collection and decide which songs you actually like, And delete the ones you don’t! You don’t have to listen to em from start to end, A minute or two from each would probably do.
Clearly, This will be a time consuming task which will take you a few days or weeks to complete, But in the end, You’ll have a lot less songs to work with – Making your job of “upgrading” em much easier!
Answer #6

Adil2010 wrote: Select all

The only way i think you can do this is by Apple's iTunes Match, which is a paid (subscription based) service. I personally have it and it's really good, it has converted about 80% (if not more) of my music into better (iTunes quality) music files. If you have a very large music library, i think its worth it, read on Apple's site for more info.
Sounds interesting, but very expensive. I have ~8k songs, so I can see that getting out of hand. I have a monthly Rhapsody subscription, just was hoping there would be an easier way
Its kinda okay to be honest, with 8,000 tracks is defo worth it in my opinion, for �23/$25 (or whatever). Once you convert all your tracks they’re yours forever, its just if you want to download/stream them on different iPhones/iPods you’ll have to keep payin the yearly subscription. Otherwise the converted tracks are yours!