Want to Change theme. How?

August 6th, 2016

how can i upload upload wordpress template for my wordpress blog from my hard drive. I an unable to find anywhere. Please tell me.

Answer #1
wordpress is a web that allows you to make a Blog, right !?
If so, are you sure that they allow you to upload your own template, or the wordpress template !?
I think they only provide with their own templates..
for you wordpress template to take place, you would have to buy (or use a free one) web hosting..
Answer #2
But there is a option is blogspot. Are you sure I cannot upload my template in wordpress blog???
Answer #3
For a WORDPRESS template, I’d say i’m 100% sure.
thats the same, as trying to upload a PHPBB Forum, or a SMF or vBulletin forum..
That would require admin rights, creating databases, and stuff..
with one word you would need, FULL FTP access of your site, and and those Database controll.


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