VLC and Anime?

August 3rd, 2016

Hello, Why does fansub groups hates VLC, I mean they always recommend installing MPC-HC or CCCP or K-lite codecs pack actually there’s more than one edition for the K codecs pack, and recently a new Codecs Packs has been brought to the scene it’s called KCP AKA Kawaii Codec Pack.
They argue that VLC does not let experience a true 10 bits depth videos, they also prefer MPC-HC subtitle renderer, so do you agree with them? in other words do you prefer a standalone media player or a codecs pack?

Answer #1
Personally I use Potplayer and find it very good with the codecs it comes with, although you can change them if you wish.
That new KPC sounds interesting and not hard to set up. Why not install it and then you can compare it with VLC or whatever
and lettuce know what it’s like


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