Video Ipod Problem need help please (5th Gen)

July 29th, 2013

im having a problem with my 5th gen video ipod. the problem i am having is headphone jack now i can hear sound but the weird thing about is that i can here like the instruments of the song and barely hear someone sing or the full song, the only time i can hear the full song is when i push my headphone plug hard to the left or right. now would it be the phone jack problem or the logic board cause i was thinking about getting a new head jack but i wanted to here so feedback first before i buy a headjack for the ipod on ebay.
Answer #1
Sounds like the jack problem or could be your head phones jack as well. Try a different pair of headphones and see if you hear the same issue.
Answer #2
same issue when i plug it in my car with the cassette player that plugs into my ipod and i tried different pairs or headphones and its still the same
Answer #3
Well then you know what needs to be repaired, lol.
Answer #4
ok i was just making sure it wasnt the logic board but thanks
Answer #5
If it was the logic board, you wouldn’t have any functionality. Sound comes from the jack, the gold input gets worn down over time. How long have you had it? Is it a refurbished version?? You could always take it to an apple store and get an expert genius worker diagnose it, before you start spending.
Is the volume balanced in settings? Have you tried resetting the ipod? Is the sound mode set other then instrumental? Are the volume rockers still functional, as they turn when scrolled?
Answer #6
yea the ipod is a refurbished verison i bought on ebay like about 2 years ago and the person said it was new. yes volume is balanced. i didnt reset the ipod yet might do that. nope i dont know where to look if its on sound mode but i doubt its on anything else. do u mean that clicking noise when scrolling if so not sure cause i turned that feature off about a year ago
Answer #7
Did water get on it or dropped it recently?
Yeah wouldn’t hurt to try a reset.
Should be a setting where volume balance is, that gives you an option on what kind of music sound you mostly listen to. Make sure it’s not set on instrumental, have it on rock etc.
Or you could view these pages and see if it’s related to your problem.


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