Unwanted ad link embedded in PHP code

August 5th, 2016

I know nothing of programming or reverse engineering, but it seems that a WordPress theme I downloaded from this site contained an advertisement in embedded code not present in the original theme. Is there a way to remove that advertisement? My weblog that this problem is referring to is at http://btch.in , the ad being at the bottom of the page and individual entries. Thank you so much in advance!
Please remember that ALL links must be coded, including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords, and internal links. Coded for you this time.

Answer #1
Link to original topic with theme? Fixing is easy but I need to see the original files to find the exact lines that need changing.
Answer #2
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/316707589/gallery.zip
Would love to learn how to undo this if I run into it again. Thanks mate!
PS, were you able to locate the ad link at the bottom of the page?
Answer #3
I assumed you meant the link to wordbank ads. The footer file has some damn awful encoding that was driving me crazy reversing so try this instead – make a new file footer.php with the following lines and replace the current one with it.
   $print("oh, hai!");

Put anything you want where oh hai! is and see if the pages load ok. Keep a copy of the old file in case there’s a problem.
Answer #4
Thanks . I also noticed that when I delete the footer completely, the wordbank ads still show up on the home page (it disappeared from individual entries). Could it be that it was encoded somewhere else as well? I’ll give your suggestion a try in the mean time. Thank you!
EDIT: Okay tried it, and it now displays this: Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/iluxjawg/public_html/btch.in/blog1/wp-content/themes/gallery-single-license/gallery/footer.php on line 2
Answer #5
That file should be the only place the link is. If just deleting it worked then maybe the home page ad was localy cached. Try clearing your browser cache and deleting again then see if the ad goes away.
Answer #6
Okay, the footer with the code above is in place, and when I clear my cache I still get the same fatal error message.
EDIT: Wait, now it works. Now it says at the bottom: BTCH.IN is proudly powered by WordPress
Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). Where is this info located so I can align it with the rest of my page content?
EDIT: Nevermind I found it, haha. Thanks again!
Answer #7
No probs


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