The Saboteur graphics problem

August 5th, 2016

hey every one… i bought The Saboteur knowing their was problems for ATI card users, but the freezing was fixed with a patch.. so i bought it, installed it, and then installed the patch.
it’s a good game, i like it.. no crashes or bad performance cause i have a good rig.. but there’s a problem.
when i’m driving, things don’t fully load to what they’re supposed to look like till i get close to it, or stay there for a few seconds (buildings, trees, streets, etc)
sometimes i’ll be driving on just black, and then eventually it’ll load. it’s annoying, but it doesn’t make the game unplayable or anything.
i googled how to fix this problem, and they said for quad-core users there was a streaming problem, and could be fixed by disabling cores 2 & 3… but i have a triple core processor, and not quad..
so does anyone know a fix for this problem? or do i have to wait till EA releases their official ati fix patch… god knows when this will come. general specs in case you’re wondering: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
4GBs of DDR2 Ram
ATI Radeon 4850 HD
AMD Phenom II X3 720 @ 2.8

Answer #1
can you disable just the core #2 or #3 then ?
i played this with ati on xp with no problem and no patch ( dual core e8400 , ati 4870 )


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