Startup problems.

August 5th, 2016

Today I was working on my main computer when it just randomly crashed.
I held the power button to turn it off, then booted it up again.
It didnt start up properly. The fans are spinning, the lights on the tower are showing, but nothing on the monitor. My mouse aint lighting up either.
The ram in my computer has lights that flash up and down in a row, sorta like christmas lights lol. The faster they flash the more memory usage and vice versa. When I now boot up the computer, the lights only show on the same diode.
I have asked many people, searched many places and still no solution.
help = appreciated.

Answer #1
It might be a PSU problem. Does every fan work properly? Also, does the computer POST? Good luck mate^^
Answer #2
yes all the fans are working properly
lol, im on another pc now
Answer #3
yes all the fans are working properly
lol, im on another pc now

Well, so does the computer POST?
Answer #4
oh lol sorry,
no there are no beeps at all
Answer #5
Yep, might be a power supply failure. Do you have another PSU to test it with mate?
Answer #6
Almost positive its a PSU failure…. Had the same problem earlier this year!!!
Answer #7
i just swapped psu’s and no difference. same problem.
thanks anyway
ive also been told to clear CMOS, would this help?
Answer #8
try clear the cmos, myb it’ll help
it also could be your processor died ..I had that happened to me
Answer #9
I have the same problem with my desktop it resets after playing some css I think its the powersupply, so I suggest replacement..
Answer #10
ive found for fact that it is the ram, as the the computer has a sequence of beeps when i turn it on without the ram inserted
thanks alot ppl
Answer #11
You’re thinking in a wrong way. RAM is necessary for booting your PC. If you hear a series of beeps that means that something is wrong, most likely the fact that there is no RAM. It doesn’t mean that your RAM is malfunctioning. Good luck mate^^


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