Ssd advice

August 5th, 2013

would like to know your views which ssd is the best out of theses two

64GB Crucial m4 2.5-inch SATA 64GB/s or
OCZ Petrol 64GB 2.5″ SATA-III Solid State Hard Drive. cheers
Answer #1
I would get the M4 over any OCZ product, unless you want a lot of messing about with BSOD’s
Just Google “OCZ Blue screen” etc
Answer #2
the Meerkat replied: I would get the M4 over any OCZ product, unless you want a lot of messing about with BSOD's
Just Google "OCZ Blue screen" etc

cheers meerkat. will go for M4 then
Answer #3
Things are looking better now and the vertex 3 is pretty solid.
Can’t go wrong with a M4 though.
Just make sure that it’s flashed to the latest firmware when you get it or you will encounter problems later (after 5000 hours the drive will not function properly)
You can get the latest firmware from crucials website. chances are your drive will come with the older bugged version.
Answer #4
jock_juffalo replied: Things are looking better now and the vertex 3 is pretty solid.
Someone on this forum purchased one a few days back and was getting BSOD’s even after updating the firmware to the latest so it cannot be “pretty solid” unless pretty solid means only working on some systems.
The drive dooz is asking about is not the Vertex, it’s one of the latest OCZ SSD drives which should not have the same problems as the Vertex 3’s which I would never purchase.
Can't go wrong with a M4 though.
Just make sure that it's flashed to the latest firmware when you get it or you will encounter problems later (after 5000 hours the drive will not function properly)
You can get the latest firmware from crucials website. chances are your drive will come with the older bugged version.

With OCZ’s recent history with SSD’s I would avoid them and go with the Crucial M4. With the latest firmware they are good and fast drives. Even with the earlier firmware, the problem would of only shown itself after 208 days so not something which would of happened before he would of more than likely got around to updating the firmware to eliminate it as a potential problem.
Answer #5
The problem is mainly with OCZs Sandforce SSDs. The Petrol series uses Indilinx controllers.
Answer #6
thanks for your input lads, i have heard the The Petrol series with indilinx are better and more stable than some of the OCZs Sandforce SSDs
Answer #7
Mighty_Marvel replied: jock_juffalo replied: Things are looking better now and the vertex 3 is pretty solid.
Someone on this forum purchased one a few days back and was getting BSOD's even after updating the firmware to the latest so it cannot be "pretty solid" unless pretty solid means only working on some systems.
The drive dooz is asking about is not the Vertex, it's one of the latest OCZ SSD drives which should not have the same problems as the Vertex 3's which I would never purchase.
Can't go wrong with a M4 though.
Just make sure that it's flashed to the latest firmware when you get it or you will encounter problems later (after 5000 hours the drive will not function properly)
You can get the latest firmware from crucials website. chances are your drive will come with the older bugged version.

With OCZ's recent history with SSD's I would avoid them and go with the Crucial M4. With the latest firmware they are good and fast drives. Even with the earlier firmware, the problem would of only shown itself after 208 days so not something which would of happened before he would of more than likely got around to updating the firmware to eliminate it as a potential problem.

Your case is the exception and not the rule.
If we all think this way then we will buy no tech products.
Answer #8
jock_juffalo replied:
Your case is the exception and not the rule.
If we all think this way then we will buy no tech products.

I would certainly never buy an OCZ product after what I have seen in the past, even if they are now using different controllers. They took way too long to resolve outstanding issues for their customers, IMHO poor testing before releasing to the shelves.
Answer #9
The next thing better than a Crucial M4 will be a Samsung 830.
Answer #10
I have Kingston HyperX 120gb drive. It’s been working very well.
Answer #11
My vertex 2e died 3 times, I am now waiting for a replacement Agility 3. I hope it’s better .
Answer #12
my vertex 3 is running fine had it for about 3 months and laptops been running 24/7 so dont get discouraged maybe vertex 2 was bad but this one seems pretty stable not like i used it for 3 years but im happy right now the speed is nice and im not spending twice as much for an intel ssd
Answer #13
Get intel 320 series
Answer #14
My first OCZ was Vertex 2-180GB. I liked it so much I bought another OCZ. A Vertez-3 120GB on Cyber Monday.
I have had zero issues. both work great for me. Hardly any heat from these SSD’s. Vertez 3 has a fan at 86 degrees, the one without
a fan is 86.5 degrees. Room temp right now is 80 degrees. Transfer speeds are what is advertised.


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