[SOLVED]How much should i sell this for?[LOCK]

October 13th, 2013

how much should i sell this for?
Toshiba Qosmio X300-11S
With usb powered fan, usb powered wireless mouse (with rechargeable batteries), windows 7 (32bit and 64bit) disks and with a 5yr extended warranty (3 yrs left)

Answer #1
$300 tops.
Answer #2
So about €400 tops
Thx mate.
Answer #3
IRL_Drizzt replied: So about €400 tops
Thx mate.

400 euros = 554.6800 US dollars
Answer #4
€220 ~ $300
Nobody will buy it for $550, as you can get a new laptop with appropriate specs for the same price.
Answer #5
please close / lock this please… sold it for €400


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