[SOLVED] Unknown music, please help identify…

August 4th, 2016

I have had this music file on my hard drive for quite a while, but do not know WHO it is, or WHAT the title of the file is.
I know that some cell phones have an app that allows you to play a small bit of the music file, and it will attempt to identify the file, and that is what I am hoping for in this case….if you have this app on your phone, could you give this one a try, to see if it can be identified?
Someone in another forum suggested that I put it on YouTube to see if someone could help, so that’s just what I did…except I couldn’t just stick one or two pictures on it and let the music play, I had to make it enjoyable to the viewer.
Let me know if you have any idea that would help me identify this music.
Thank you

Answer #1
I tried asking Siri, here’s what she got:
Nightfall – Music of the Jungle by Kavin Hoo
Answer #2
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Answer #3
is correct. You can find it and more tracks here.
Answer #4
awesome!!! Thanks so much, it was beginning to drive me crazy. Amazing how fast this was solved….thank you so much again!
Answer #5
I tried asking Siri, here's what she got:
Nightfall - Music of the Jungle by Kavin Hoo

Thanks very much, ptrk…I really appreciate your time
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Answer #6
you’re welcome dude


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