Should This Be Required For ALL Uploads With Movies/TV Shows

August 7th, 2016

Am I the only one who gets bothered with this?
Let’s say there was an upload of a movie and according to the uploader, the movie has “GREAT QUALITY!!!” – you go to download the movie and you get smiling off because “great” to the uploader isn’t so great for you.
Or how about when a TV Show season is uploaded and you spend so much time downloading it only to find out the quality is sub-par, or not up to your standards? Imagine how badly it looks when you convert it and make it playable on DVD players.
Here’s what I believe MOST UPLOADS with movies should require
FILE SIZE – Is it 100mb? 350mb? 700mb? Or a full-blown 4.5gigs? LET US KNOW. Telling us it’s xVID or AVI does no good, I want to know the entire size, which brings me to my next point:
LENGTH OF MOVIE – Why should we need the length? Think about it, what if a TV series is 10 hours long but the uploader says “4.5gigs!!!!” – that quality may seem great at first (DVD-quality, right?) but when you found out the length, it doesn’t appear so good does it?
By telling us the size of the film or show, it helps us determine what kind of quality we’ll receive.
LETTERBOX or NOT – Not necessarily important, but is it a letterbox? Is the quality superb because it takes off 2 inches from the top and bottom of my screen? Tell us, let us know, let US JUDGE
FRAMERATE – Also not necessary, yet still important in my opinion. It IS POSSIBLE for a video to be big yet still get choppy, so, is it? LET US KNOW.
& finally
ARE THERE ANY SUBTITLES? – If so, just let us know. Not everyone wants to watch a movie with giant words flooding their screen every second in a different language. It’s very simple to mention it, so why not do it?
So what do you think? Who better to judge a movie’s quality better than YOU!?.
You know what you like, right? So why not give US that option?

Answer #1
I For one, Second this.
Answer #2
this happened to me.
i downloaded a movie that said “great quality” but ended up being horrible
Answer #3
Am I the only one who gets bothered with this?
Let's say there was an upload of a movie and according to the uploader, the movie has "GREAT QUALITY!!!" - you go to download the movie and you get smiling off because "great" to the uploader isn't so great for you.
Or how about when a TV Show season is uploaded and you spend so much time downloading it only to find out the quality is sub-par, or not up to your standards? Imagine how badly it looks when you convert it and make it playable on DVD players.
Here's what I believe MOST UPLOADS with movies should require
FILE SIZE - Is it 100mb? 350mb? 700mb? Or a full-blown 4.5gigs? LET US KNOW. Telling us it's xVID or AVI does no good, I want to know the entire size, which brings me to my next point:
LENGTH OF MOVIE - Why should we need the length? Think about it, what if a TV series is 10 hours long but the uploader says "4.5gigs!!!!" - that quality may seem great at first (DVD-quality, right?) but when you found out the length, it doesn't appear so good does it?
By telling us the size of the film or show, it helps us determine what kind of quality we'll receive.
LETTERBOX or NOT - Not necessarily important, but is it a letterbox? Is the quality superb because it takes off 2 inches from the top and bottom of my screen? Tell us, let us know, let US JUDGE
FRAMERATE - Also not necessary, yet still important in my opinion. It IS POSSIBLE for a video to be big yet still get choppy, so, is it? LET US KNOW.
& finally
ARE THERE ANY SUBTITLES? - If so, just let us know. Not everyone wants to watch a movie with giant words flooding their screen every second in a different language. It's very simple to mention it, so why not do it?
So what do you think? Who better to judge a movie's quality better than YOU!?.
You know what you like, right? So why not give US that option?

This is my opinion on this matter:
Length of the movie, you should have a rough idea yourself on how long the movie is going to take before downloading. I as an uploader always put an imdb link linking information of the movie to their site, in their site it always says how long it is etc.
File Size: You can pretty much guess how big it is when you see XXX Amount of rapidshare links (taking in mind that they are usually at 100mb each part), so if a movie was 7 links then it would be around 650 to 700mb.
Frame Rate, it isn’t the uploader’s fault that a certain video has a lower frame rate than it should have, it would be the fault of the team ripping/cracking the movie/tv show. Usually what uploaders do is just download the file from torrents and upload it in rapidshare, not watching the whole thing first.
Subtitles, that one is simple. If you see a movie with a separate link saying subs.rar or something like that then you would know that there are subs. If there isn’t a separate file with them, then it would be most likely that there aren’t any.
Answer #4
Thanks for the replies guys…
Answer #5
in a proper movie post all that info is there
if the post duz not contain that info look for another that duz or read the replies
bad replies = bad upload
good replies or no negative replies = good upload
the biggest thing missing in movie/tv posts is replies
I’ve had post where I get 300 downloads and 10 replies
so always reply with a thx or info on a bad post
and report bad ones
a good site to find info on the release it’s self is
Answer #6
Yes. I hate it when some people post a movie like this:
then you get it and see it’s some old R5 LINE that has been out for ages
Oh, and also, when posting a movie that is not in English, ALWAYS include subtitles, please!!!
Answer #7
thats because they want points
Answer #8
Just download the first part and check with VLC what the quality is like. If you don’t think it’s upto scratch find a different rip!
Answer #9
Jesus! Is there anything else you would like, ?!
How about the uploader sending you a burned copy with a cheque via snail mail too?
Answer #10
lol @
I agree these things would be nice but not necassary. Im a pretty dab hand these days out finding out quality etc. And like people have said, go on other peoples comments and stuff like that. And yes if im a little sketchy about quality I always download just the first part and use VLC to check
Answer #11
This is my opinion on this matter:
Length of the movie, you should have a rough idea yourself on how long the movie is going to take before downloading. I as an uploader always put an imdb link linking information of the movie to their site, in their site it always says how long it is etc.
File Size: You can pretty much guess how big it is when you see XXX Amount of rapidshare links (taking in mind that they are usually at 100mb each part), so if a movie was 7 links then it would be around 650 to 700mb.
Frame Rate, it isn't the uploader's fault that a certain video has a lower frame rate than it should have, it would be the fault of the team ripping/cracking the movie/tv show. Usually what uploaders do is just download the file from torrents and upload it in rapidshare, not watching the whole thing first.
Subtitles, that one is simple. If you see a movie with a separate link saying subs.rar or something like that then you would know that there are subs. If there isn't a separate file with them, then it would be most likely that there aren't any.

I am for this… If you are d/l usually you can tell most of that. Like file size for instance. Otherwise a lot uploaders post the .nfo, maybe not enough of them but when they do you get all that info


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