Should I Buy An iPad 1?

August 3rd, 2013

As the title says should i buy an iPad 1st gen?
I just want the advantages/disadvantages of the iDevice, preferrably from people that own one.
Are they good as they make out in the ads?
Is the battery life good (once jailbroken)
Is there much difference from an iPod Touch?

Answer #1
Answer #2
I have one and am VERY pleased with it. Mine is not jaibroken but the battery life is in 10-12 hr range. This is my first and only apple device, so I don’t know about their other devices. If you get one, you won’t be sorry IMO.
Answer #3
i would get an ipad 2. the difference is 100 bucks yet the weight, display and the dual core processor pays for itself.
Answer #4
If you are getting it for say £50 second hand, then yes.
I hate Apple products, but you may want to wait for the iPad 3 due to come out this year, it should be a big improvement on the iPad 2.
Screen res on both are ~love~. Even the HTC Flyer, which is only a 7 inch tablet has twice the dpi, so presumably the iPad 3 will have to go along similar lines.
Answer #5
the Meerkat replied: If you are getting it for say £50 second hand, then yes. Exactly what I was thinking.
Buy everything used, that way those ~censored~ don’t make a ~censored~ dime.
the Meerkat replied: I hate Apple products
That is the way to go
the Meerkat replied: Screen res on both are ~love~. Even the HTC Flyer, which is only a 7 inch tablet has twice the dpi, so presumably the iPad 3 will have to go along similar lines.
Yep, less value for the buck, doesn’t make sense.
Answer #6
IPad2 touch is much more sensible and enhanced then ipad1.
Answer #7
As i have an ipod 4g would you say sell it and buy the iPad or keep it and buy an ipad?
Answer #8
id avoid the ipad i had one myself its heavy, bulky and you cant really take it on the move with you unless you like being a target for mugging lol.
i had the iphone 4 and recently went to the Samsung Galaxy SII ill be honest shits all over the iphone
Answer #9
To all android lovers and ios lovers. Its a fact that a Jailbroken ios device is the greatest piece of tech a consumer can buy.
I personally dont like the ipad. i have both of em but i dont like it. I dont like tabs basically. Having said that i would say get an ipod touch instead. Jailbreak it and have the best user experience possible from a portable media player.
Or if you like android get the galaxy player 5.0 .. 5 inch screen,portable and serves good purpose.
Guy saying htc flyer has double the dpi of ipad. Flyer has 170 dpi. And as far as maths is concerned its not even 1.5x :p
I am not an apple fanboy.But i do have a fascination for good tech products and jailbroken ios devices pwn android anyday. Stock ios doesnt..
I have used android,ios.Jailbroken ios>wp7>android>Stock ios.
Buy ios only if you going to jailbreak and want a smooth hassle free user experience.
Buy android if u want anything else..
Adil2010 replied: As i have an ipod 4g would you say sell it and buy the iPad or keep it and buy an ipad?
just read u already have ipod touch.No dont buy the ipad. Its basically an ipod touch on steriods.

Answer #10
No one knows what’s best for you but you. Everyone has different tastes.
It’s pretty simple, if you want to watch movies, surf the net, view photos, play games, use apps, etc. on a hi-res 10″ screen, the iPad is for you. If you’re happy doing those things on a small iPod screen, then an iPad is not for you.
Answer #11
I say don’t bother, it has outdated hardware now. You rather get an iPad 2 or a dual core android tablet, trust me it be more worth it and a little more future proof.
Answer #12
the Meerkat replied: If you are getting it for say £50 second hand, then yes.
I hate Apple products, but you may want to wait for the iPad 3 due to come out this year, it should be a big improvement on the iPad 2.
Screen res on both are ~love~. Even the HTC Flyer, which is only a 7 inch tablet has twice the dpi, so presumably the iPad 3 will have to go along similar lines.

Not only that.. If he still content on getting Ipad one.. the release of a new Ipad will bring down the cost of Ipad 1 & 2.. not much but still..


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