Seems like a virus to me!

July 28th, 2013

when i try to enter a page like facebook it automatically redirects me to another website that is
can you help me this is very annoyful!

Answer #1
If you try with another browser, does the same happens?
Run Malwarebytes in Safe-mode.
Answer #2
i konw it a bit embarassing asking this but what is the Malwarebytes?
Answer #3
It’s an app that removes malware from your system:
But have you tried using another browser?
Answer #4
ok problem SOLVED thanks a lot DSR ! yeah i tried using another browser but it happened only with firefox
Answer #5
Looks like spyware to me. As DSR. mentioned, download, install and do a scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware in Safe Mode.
You could additionally do a scan with SUPERAntiSpyware:
Answer #6
seems like a phishing/scam site to me !


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