Scratched SIM Slot (Lenovo S6000 tablet)

July 25th, 2016

So, about three weeks ago I put my colleague’s microSD card into SIM Slot instead of the correct one (they’re right next to each other) . And it was quite painful to get it out, I tried using paperclip, toothpick and finally succeeded with an ordinary needle. And today when I tried inserting two different SIM cards neither of them were registered. So I deduce the socket got scratched or there is some residue obscuring the contact between it and the SIM’s tag. If it’s the former I guess I’m doomed, if it’s the latter I hope using an air compressor would suffice in getting the residue out, however that process itself could damage the socket.
So, did anyone have any experience with this, and were you successful?
Thanks in advance. Cheers

Answer #1
i think your screwed sounds like when you forced it out and broke, lenovo is a pretty big ch.inese firm but i dont think its covered in their warranty.
Answer #2
It most certainly isn’t the part of the warranty agreement, plus I bought it from Vodafone (branded as Vodafone Tab III, but it’s S6000 device) . I was just wondering if anyone has that problem temporarily, by which I mean that eventually it did recognize (any) SIM card. Thanks for your interest
Answer #3
? did your friends card work when was inserted ?
Answer #4
My friend’s card was microSD and it worked when inserted into the right slot. But I’m afraid that while trying to get it out of the SIM slot we damaged the socket that connects with the SIM’s pin


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