Scamming website?

August 5th, 2016

Right, I want a iPhone 4 so I seached on google “cheap iphone 4” and the very top link sent me to this website….
The price of a iPhone 32gb on there is something like �240.
Is this safe to go ahead with this or is there a way I can check if the website is legit?

Answer #1
it’s using apple’s web pages templates and/or style… and there is not any review from people who bought iphone 4 from that site… i think you shoul check the web sites billing status, security engines, and an important one: is it include paypal payment system (or sth like that) or asks about credit card, figure it out.
Answer #2
My rule “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is”
Why on earth would ANYONE sell an iphone 4, 32GB for that price when they could sell it EASILY for at least double? If it seems suspicious then dont go near it, personally I wouldnt touch this with a 40ft pole.
P.S. If this does work, I got an email the other day about a Nigerian King who needs to transfer a few million… Would help you pay for the phone as well! lol


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