Recommended earphones?

October 7th, 2013

So my iPod earphones are starting to get torn up from use… and I’m looking for a new pair. I usually use ’em in my laptop or my iPod.
I’m at least looking for some cheap ones, but have good sound quality to ’em. Most I’ll spend is $10.
And please, don’t recommend me the ones that have those earbud things that you have to squeeze into your ear… they’re uncomfortable…

Answer #1
try the jvc gummys. i had a few there really comfortable and have good sound quality
btw there not the in ear ones i hate those as well
Answer #2
IEMs (in ear monitors) are not uncomfortable at all. It depends completely on the tip you use and the shape of your ear.
Oh and btw ‘earbuds’ describe exactly the type you’re looking for. What you don’t want is ‘in ear monitors’. Just saying this to get the record straight.


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