Rapidshare limit problem

August 8th, 2016

hi all.i bought yesterday Rapidshare account.limit me for the first day is 3GB while today’s 2.8 gb. it must be bigger.i think 10 GB. I ask you here because my people on rapidshareu dont answer to me. thanks for answers
thanks for your help
sry for my bad english

Answer #1
yes it must be 10 GB but maybe your password is using by another person :/ By the way, it’s not correct forum here to ask something.
Answer #2
hi all.i bought yesterday Rapidshare account.limit me for the first day is 3GB while today's 2.8 gb. it must be bigger.i think 10 GB. I ask you here because my people on rapidshareu dont answer to me. thanks for answers
thanks for your help
sry for my bad english

Rapishare has change its policy about traffic . There is a limit of 80gig per month or 2.8gig per day . You can read it on rapidshare news tab. This applies only to new accounts and expired ones .
However this is the wrong section for this kind of post .
Answer #3
ok thanks guys


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