Questions about KMS Auto Activator

August 7th, 2016

I’ve always used serials when I upgraded computers for people so I’m not familiar with this app. I see I’m not the only one because in a lot of the Win 10 posts people are asking the same question as I am. Unfortunately not one of the OP’s in the 14 posts I checked answered the question. My neighbor wants me to upgrade his Vista to Win 10. I’ve downloaded several versions and burned the ISO’s and I’m ready to do a clean install except I don’t know about this app.
Does this activator only activate Win 10 for 180 days? If so why use it? Can anyone tell me how to use it pretty please?
I want to get this upgrade done before my neighbor’s kids go back to school so they will have it for homework. Any help you can give me will be/is greatly appreciated!

Answer #1
it reactivates itself to 180 days with every boot up of the computer so its safe to use
Answer #2
The license is valid for 180 days and needs to be reactivated. A good KMS program will silently renew the license without user intervention so it will be invisible.
You simply download the program(beware of searching it on the Internet, there are various versions with malware) on this forum, you run it and then you select the option to enable it, and you won’t need to do other actions.
Answer #3
Just to clear things up..Kms is used to activate pirated copies of Windows and Office…
If you have a key..Use it and stay legit..
If you need to download a clean and trusted Kms..Visit the following link:
Answer #4
Just to clear things up..Kms is used to activate pirated copies of Windows and Office...
If you have a key..Use it and stay legit..
If you need to download a clean and trusted Kms..Visit the following link:

It’s worth noting that KMSpico is now on version 1015.
Answer #5
I have a key for mine but my neighbor doesn’t have a key for theirs which is why I’m asking about this. Thanks for the link !
Thanks so much for the quick replies!
Answer #6
last time i saw a similar topic , was calling “dude” to which made me laugh , i couldnt skip this topic without mentioning this
Answer #7
last time i saw a similar topic , was calling "dude" to which made me laugh , i couldnt skip this topic without mentioning this
I trust the topic because the poster is a member of the staff…
Answer #8
last time i saw a similar topic , was calling "dude" to which made me laugh , i couldnt skip this topic without mentioning this
I trust the topic because the poster is a member of the staff...

i didnt understand what this means but i told what i told in a positive way , probably the most memorable topic i saw due to that dialogue. btw it was not dude but buddy i found the topic
also shouldnt be ignored for his part
Answer #9
I remember that!!! LOL! Most of you guys always forget that there are quite a few women in and don’t bother to look at names. I can’t see anybody taking as a guy name! I usually use Red Wings Lady as my online name since I’m a big Detroit fan, but I still got called dude! This time I borrowed my cats name and it’s still happening.
I could never forget He’s the one who told me about Classic Shell. I would have gone crazy without that! (yes I did give in and upgrade to 8.1)
I don’t know what meant either. Sometimes I wonder if anyone else checks these threads because I know when I need help it’s always you guys coming to my rescue. Thanks bunches!!!


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