Problem with burning movies.

August 4th, 2016

Hey, Well I just ha d aquick question about burning movies. I burned a movie which was live free or die hard too a dvd 4.7 gig. I started too play it but when i was playing it in my dvd player it started skipping part and such frequently. I know it has nothing too do with the dvd player or with the dvd being scratched. So i asked my dads friend about this and he said it may have something too do with the speeds of the dvd vs the player. Like as in the dvd is sending the information faster then the dvd player can pick it up. So is there anyway too fix this so the dvd will run smoothly?
Answer #1
First try some other DVD movies that you downloaded, If you still get the same problem it might be the program that you are using so try an diffrent one, If the problem still continues it might be the DVD disks that you are using… And if that fails then it is your DVD Player


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