Precomp.exe not working

August 1st, 2016

Hi, in many setups from repacks installers i have an error: precomp.exe not working. I have this problem alone with repacks.
I don”t understand why does not work! I have windows 7. Is precomp.exe a windows service/application or what is it? I have always disable the antivirus first.
I think… nobody can help me and have one solution: reinstall windows maybe? But i don’t want reinstall windows today
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Answer #1
oops double post :s
Answer #2
Can’t help you too much since I never had a problem with precomp, but:
Google for Fileforums – then choose PC Games – then click on the PC Games – CD/DVD Conversions section, in this section you can post your question I think.
You need to register at that forum, but you can get the best answer from Razor12911 who is active there, I think that |Leader| is using Razor’s script for corepack repacks if I remember correctly.


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