Ok, Just a question
March 11th, 2021
it depends if they will also check for pirate content. While their primary task is to check for evidence on the laptop for catalogue fraud, if they happen to come across anything else illegal i think they would take the appropriate action for that as well
They will properly open the softwares and check the serial key
Thanks guys
B@stards hey..
Which catalogue was it? Argos?
I got fooked for �1500 littlewoods catalogue
I think they would be taking the lappy to get some money back from you, not for an investigation.
A club I was in got raided a few years back in the UK, they were looking for drugs in the cars too – they ripped the seats out, the stereo, even took the subwoofer apart and left it all in a mess (thanks)..
Guess what – they left the pot in the ashtray!! Dumb or what?
My point is, they were looking for it and didn’t find it – I don’t think they would be looking for pirate software