
August 5th, 2016

Hi. I tried installing about 6 different windows xp pro sp3 iso, after burning them to cd’s. I got a windows xp black edition to finally install on the system. The motherboard is a biostar K8VGA-M model. I downloaded the audio, video and lan drivers from the biostar site. Audio and video installed properly. Now, the lan driver is installed, but it just won’t connect to the internet, there is no light blinking behind by the nic (it a desktop by the way). I tried different cables, uninstalling and re installing the driver, it still won’t work. The network connection tab, there is the lan connection showing, it’s enabled, but nothing. The 2 computers at the bottom right have a X over it, saying network cable is unplugged. The nic light is dead, no lights, no blinks. Any advice please? Thanks.
Answer #1
Did you install the chipset drivers?
Answer #2
Just installed the chipset drivers and restart, nic still dead…
Answer #3
Just to verify, The modem/router your using does seem to be operating, Right?
If it’s disconnected from power or gone bad then that would explain it.
I know you might be using the same modem/router to post, But I don’t like making
assumption so I always ask when in doubt. Anyways, try booting from partedmagic (A Linux Live CD) to determine if
it’s an OS or hardware problem:
If it does the same on PM, Then that would confirm it’s dead!
But don’t stress, Ethernet cards are very cheap and easy to install! (Better get a Gigabit one tho)
Answer #4
No problem, i know u have to ask the basics first. The router is fine, an yes i using it to post here. It have power and all the ports on it are working. The Ethernet port is built in the motherboard. Out of curiosity, if the port is bad, will i have to change the entire motherboard? Or i can buy a Ethernet card as you said an it should have a slot for it on the motherboard? I will try the PM software when i get the time, and get back to you on how that goes. The xp black edition OS, could be faulty. I tried a lot of other xp iso’s, but i keep getting errors during the installation, like different files can’t be copied etc.
Answer #5
Try a different Ethernet port on the router (Just to make sure that’s not the problem)
And no, You don’t need to replace the motherboard, You only need to buy a PCI Ethernet card
and that’s that, They’re cheap and very easy to install (And as said before, Better get a Gigabit one) Basically, It should be done like this:
1. If the Ethernet driver appears on add-remove-program in control panel, Uninstall it.
2. Restart and enter BIOS.
3. From there, Disable the onboard Ethernet, This is usually denoted as “Ethernet Controller” or “Onboard LAN” I can’t tell you from which exact section to do this as each BIOS is a little different.
Anyways, When your done, Save settings & Exit.
4. Wait til windows fully loads.
5. Shut down the computer, Disconnect all the cables from the back and open it up.
6. Your gonna have to insert the card into one of the PCI (BLUE) slots, Before you can do this, You have to open the backplate next to it (Can easily be done with a phillips screwdriver)
this is needed for the External port to be accessible. 7. Just insert the card into the slot and lock it down with a single screw.
8. Close the case, Reconnect all the cables and power it up.
9. See what happens after the OS loads, Odds are that the OS would already have
the needed driver and it’d be plug and play, But if you see it doesn’t pick it up, Just use
the driver cd that came with it.
Answer #6
Okay, well i tried the parted magic iso, the os on the parted magic will not load on the machine, i could use the memory test etc from the PM. I tried the PM on another xp machine and it loaded fine, the PM os and everything else worked…the machine it didn’t work on have 512 mb ram, had to take out the other 512mb, cause i believe it’s faulty, because no xp os was installing until i removed that memory stick, does the PM need more ram for it to load? The machine it worked on have 1gb memory.
Answer #7
No, It doesn’t need additional RAM, It seems to be a hardware incompatibility of a sort.
Anyways, Try this one instead:
Answer #8
Hi Roberto. Okay, so i installed precise and run it, the OS loaded fine. The nic is still dead, no internet connection, no blinking light by the port. So i guess, this means that the port is dead? An as you previously stated, i might have to get a Ethernet card? I have a few old desktops, will do some digging an see if i find one with a card. I tried setting up the network from the precise OS, but like it can’t find any connection.
Answer #9
Installed? I think you meant burned. Anyways, Yes it confirms it’s dead and you will indeed
have to buy a PCI Ethernet card (Preferably a Gigabit one) unless you can find one in one of
your other PCs (Which is highly unlikely as all motherboards since 2003 have it integrated!)
As I previously mentioned, It’s a cheap card, So no point ordering it online, Just go and buy it
from a nearby computer store. Now just to clarify a little more about the backplate:

A picture is worth a thousand words as they say. Anyways, The removal procedure is slightly different among cases but is fairly easy overall. It can be either a screw removal, a phillips/flat hole you shove a screwdriver in and then bend it or screwless plastic holders. Some cases also have an external slots backplate which has to be unscrewed first. Anyways, You’ll need a single screw to lock the card in-place, So make sure you ask for one when buying (Unless you have a spare. Don’t worry, They won’t charge you extra for it! Lolz) Goodluck!
Answer #10
Some good news, i found a Ethernet card, from a old dell desktop i had packed down for ages. I install it on the machine, boot up with the precise software, had to set up the wired connection, and it works, i am able to browse the net etc, with the Ethernet card. The xp black edition on the system was unstable, so i wipe the hdd and trying to install a next xp iso. I tried a few, i keep getting errors during the installations, like certain files can’t be copied, sometimes i am getting a blue screen with a long message about memory dumping etc. I did a memory test with parted magic, it found no errors. Could it be the Hard drive? Is there a tool to test the Hard drive? I even tried installing the xp OS from flash drives, still getting different errors. Going and give it a next install an see what happens.
Answer #11
Yes, It could be the HDD, And I can’t give you the how-to without knowing the brand.
But that’s not the only possibility of course. It could also be a motherboard problem (Blown/Swollen capacitors) or just a bad XP copy, Using an untouched one would be best.
Answer #12
Okay, well i get the XP OS to install using a flash drive, the install went smooth. I install video and audio driver. When trying to install the Ethernet driver, I’m getting cannot find proper nic. In bios i disabled the LAN on board chip set, not sure if i was suppose to? This same lan driver was install in the unstable XP black edition, and it installed good there, but just wasn’t working because the nic card is dead. I re enabled the LAN on board chip set, an i am getting the connection now. So everything seems to be working good now. Man, thanks so much for the help and everyone else who assisted. Those software you recommended were really useful and will be needed in the future i am sure. If you could recommend a software or tool to test hard drives, that will be awesome. Tech support here on never disappoints, keep up the good work….
Answer #13
In bios i disabled the LAN on board chip set, not sure if i was suppose to?
You were, Don’t worry about it!
When trying to install the Ethernet driver, I'm getting cannot find proper nic.
You mean when windows tries to install it or when you manually try to install it?
You CANNOT use the driver of your onboard Ethernet as it’s not intended for the same hardware!
Anyways, In order for me to find you the needed driver, I would need it’s hardware id, Run this tool and provide me with the output:
Clearly, Your flash drive would come handy for this task!
Answer #14
Problem solve, read above where i edit. Thanks again…


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