Need to find out who is behind fake facebook profile.

August 5th, 2016

Hey forumers.
I have a mate and there is someone on facebook that is trying to **** with his relationship. I can confirm the the profile is 100% fake because I did a tineye search on the profile image and it came up with a celebrity.
So I need to know who is behind the fake profile. Anyone willing to find out? I will provide as much info as I can if you need it.
Please someone help!

Answer #1
LOL. That is all.
Answer #2
Sorry, that was me. I’ll stop now.
If you don't have any useful input to add, please don't post at all.
Thank you

Answer #3
Wanting to know for the lulz. coz the person is gonna get slapped up and will be fun to watch
Answer #4
dl a facebook hack. just put in your own details and password. or maybe grow up?
Answer #5
its probably 4chan haxxors.
Answer #6
rofl, good luck with that.
Answer #7
profile link please
Answer #8
it’s most likely Chuck Norris mate.
Answer #9
Answer #10
It’s not a fact of growing up. I’m not desperate to find out either. Doesn’t bother me. But would be good to know.
The people that need to grow up are the flamers. Say somthing positive or don’t say anything.
Answer #11
Say somthing positive or don't say anything
POSITIVE…….will that do m8
Answer #12
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #13
Sorry to say but you’re not gonna find out, simplez, Unless you’re a hacker, etc.
Answer #14
I will provide as much info as I can if you need it.

lawryda wrote: Select all

profile link please
Still waiting….
Answer #15
yup it isnt possible..unless ur a big hacker
Answer #16
1. Trading, Selling is not allowed.
2. Offering or asking money for any help or service is not allowed.
3. Trading is not allowed, as of Oct 16, 2008.
#3.21 Trades of any kind and selling are two things that are not allowed here. To break it down in simple terms, it's considered a trade any time the situation is "If you do this, I'll do that" and selling is offering a product, service, etc. for money. The staff do not appreciate members trying to get around these rules, so please avoid attempting to do so.
Post text hidden --
$2800.. and I'll find it for you!!


Answer #17
Contact FaceBook, creating fake profiles is a crime and they take it very seriously!
Answer #18
hahaha…this thread really hilarious.
Answer #19
Provide the link to your victim OP. The progress will not moving if only one person stalking the man. We do it as a team.