Need help finding a movie!

August 5th, 2016

Back when I was a kid i saw this movie about slimes crawling up your nose when you fall asleep and take over your body or clone it i’m not sure about that anymore ^^.
The other thing i remember is the ending, A girl, a guy and her little brother are escaping with a chopper flew by the guy when all of the sudden the little brother attacks them and is a clone aswell
This movie must be like 15 or 20 years old. It’s not invasion of the body snatchers and not The faculty.
If anyone can help me, i’ll give em muchos kissos xxx <3

Answer #1
i remember this one. i loved it. i think it was ‘they’ or ‘them’
this looks close, but seems like it should be older that 2002.
Answer #2
Nope its not that ;P
Thanks for the reply tho!
I’m starting to wonder if this movie ever excists or if it only came to me in a dream ;P


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