NDS download games, is this right?
December 12th, 2018
is this (and possibly a micro sd card) what i need to play downloaded games on the NDS? anything else i need to know before hand such as any disadvantages? is there any modding needed on the NDS?
Link is unopenable.
sorry, its the R4DS, heres a pic
things come and go quickly on dealextreame, i guess 1:30 hours is too long
Image tags added.
R4 is an awesome thing to use with your DS. it will play all the games, i think.
R4 has a bad spring design. It will work, but it will be rendered unusable.
Get a cheap one, usually a TTDS will be decent (it’s what I have).
i have a R4 and it works fine and my friend has a unoffical r4ds and that works fine as well we have had them for almost a year
persons been banned already stopped replying, r4 aint that great alot of better newer ones.

Get a cheap one, usually a TTDS will be decent (it’s what I have).
spring design was for old r4, it was about a year ago