N70 long alarm clock..help

September 24th, 2013

how can i set fully mp3 as alarm clock ringtone?
what i mean is,,,
usually the duration of alarm clock just only 55 seconds…
the duration of the mp3 (which i want to set as alarm clock ringtone) is 3 minutes..
so how can i set the 3 minutes mp3 as alarm clock?? i dont want it play only the first 55 seconds..i want it play the whole mp3
anybody can help me?

Answer #1
Back in the day when i had a nokia, I use to get all apps and everything from
Maybe there will be something to help you there.
Also I think this is not possible for the following reasons.
The Clock Snoozes After 1 min, and hence the alarm time cannot be more than 1 min.
Hence i don’t think it is possible.


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