My screen shows colourlines, instead of gradients. how fix?

August 6th, 2013

Hey guys,
as first, please try to do your best to understand what i’m trying to say. I’m having a hard time explaining this.
I’ve got a laptop with a great videocard and a great screen (I guess, since it’s sony’s best graphic laptop)
though.. I’m like always rather seeing lines of colours, instead of gradients.
Please try to understand by this example. If i’m looking at a JPEG or any other file format, as long as it is not the workfile in photoshop/illustrator/etc. I see lines, instead of gradients.
If I see a picture, of a gradient, lets say white to black. It appears to me like this
100% black – 0% white
90% black – 10% white
80% black – 20% white
… …
10% black – 90% white
0% black – 100% white
While a real gradient should be more ..well gradual
such as
100% black – 0% white
99,9% black – 0,01% white
99,8% black – 0,02% white

0,01% black – 99,9% white
0,00% black – 100% white.
All my colours I say, such as in backgrounds, but also on web.. and sometimes EVEN in photoshop and illustrator (even when creating own art) I see NOT gradual colours..
How can I fix this?
I still have my screen settings to be on ‘true colours – 32bit’. And my Nvidia GT 540m is already on the latest driver version (295.73)
Thanks very much!

Answer #1
your desktop wallpaper got “lines” ?
I still have my screen settings to be on 'true colours - 32bit'
try lowering it to 16 bit, reboot, and reset it to 32bit and reboot
Answer #2
edwoodweb replied: your desktop wallpaper got "lines" ?
I still have my screen settings to be on 'true colours - 32bit'
try lowering it to 16 bit, reboot, and reset it to 32bit and reboot

With lines, see my example. I just mean they are not that gradual, compared to even simple computers and monitors.
By being not that gradual, all colours appear as small lines with a colour, instead of a nice gradient, not being able to recognize specific colours.
I hope you understand.
I will try to reboot in 16, followed by rebooting back to 32bit. (in 30 mins, waiting for a download which I cannot pauze =)


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