My CD is out

August 4th, 2016

hi guys
i have LG CD Writer and it worked great
but suddenly stopped to read all my CD’s
and told me there is no CD in Drive
try it on XP SP3 too


Answer #1
Dude, i had that probelm as well. I ended up buying a new Dvd drive. Try install the latest firmware and drivers
Answer #2
You can also ruin your CD/DVD drives by upgrading to the wrong firmware or updating it to the same firmware version. Did you install any fimrware for it?
Answer #3
what is the fimrware?
Answer #4
You don’t need no firmware upgrade…Check the cables…Or try new ones…If that doesn’t help..Go out to computer store and buy a new one…They are not that expensive…
Answer #5
You don't need no firmware upgrade...Check the cables...Or try new ones...If that doesn't help..Go out to computer store and buy a new one...They are not that expensive...Thanks


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