MS Key Question
June 8th, 2014
Now on the label on the case it says OEMACT. When I run > cmd > slmgr /dli – it comes up as OEM.
Question I have is will my key work if I download a Vista Home Premium OEM SP2 installer ?
Reason why I’m asking is google results suggest I need an Acer reload disk for the key to be accepted?
Yea It will work..
But you need to add the OEM folder so you Vista will self activate:
How to make your own Vista OEM DVD
just to be clear mate. if i run the oem installer without what you’ve said to do above.. put the original key in, will it accept it when activating or do i have to do as you said. this is frustrating, i have an original key, any oem version for the correct version of windows should work! argh!