monitoring installation of apps/games in XP

August 1st, 2016

Can anyone recommend me some good software that’s not heavy on system resources while monitoring installation of apps/games so i could remove them later Completely ?
Google suggests many different apps. i’m wondering what people are actually using those days. thanx

Answer #1
I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking for….
Like a program that will uninstall games and apps?
Maybe this is what you’re looking for?
Answer #2
Use a firewall..That way you can have control on what installs on your computer…For a good uninstaller use Your Uninstaller…
Answer #3
Use a firewall..That way you can have control on what installs on your computer...For a good uninstaller use Your Uninstaller...
I’m with and Your Uninstaller. Set up the options (Safe, Average or Aggressive) to your choice of depth removal. It also removes registry entries.

Answer #4
Install Sandboxie, it will install and run all your soft in a sandbox, then not harming your computer if you ever downloaded a troajn/malware with your program.
It works like an Antivirus quarantine and you can then delete all installed components (including reg entries)
Answer #5
I recommend Total Uninstall. Your Uninstaller cannot monitor anything and I can’t see the point of a firewall as it can’t really remove anything after you’ve installed them. Installing a huge multiple gb game in Sandbox is ridiculous
With Total Uninstall you can right click on any setup file and select Monitor and it’ll keep monitoring the system. Great app I like it a lot better than Your Uninstaller. More flexible too
Answer #6
Thanks for the tip ^|^, i’m gonna try this tool, looks great.
Edit: it’s an awesome tool, get it here:
Answer #7
thanx for replies everyone, will try Total Uninstall.
more sugestions are always welcomed
Answer #8
Found this today, great program. You can enable disc protection, and what it does is, ummmm, deletes all changes made to the computer since start up, say installing programs and such, when you reboot, or you can just exit like normal. Anyways its called steadystate.
Answer #9

^|^ wrote: Select all

I recommend Total Uninstall. Your Uninstaller cannot monitor anything and I can’t see the point of a firewall as it can’t really remove anything after you’ve installed them. Installing a huge multiple gb game in Sandbox is ridiculous
With Total Uninstall you can right click on any setup file and select Monitor and it’ll keep monitoring the system. Great app I like it a lot better than Your Uninstaller. More flexible too
I second this, I’ve used TU for years now (I’m still using the free one, but I’ve tried the pro version, and it’s a dream to monitor and store the monitor logs, then remove all the crapola later..