July 28th, 2013

According to you, which one of the following certifications has better recognition and greater value?? Especially when looking for a job…
Microsoft Certified System Engineer OR Cisco Certified Network Associate
Please help me, I cannot make up my mind…advice needed from the pros…

Answer #1
Well this depends on the field you are getting into and what you want to do. For a simple and fast explanation MCSE is good to have to show employers you are familiar with Mircrosoft. (They eat it up.) CCNA is great, and requires to be renewed but unlike MCSE it’s with CISCO equipment, but with Juniper’s Q-Fabric infrastructure architecture. You may want to hold back on the CCNA if money is a problem right now and go with the MCSE. If you are not familiar with Juniper once you know one IOS you know them all. (unless you need to be walked through things.)
Answer #2
What is interesting to you?
I studied both sides while working on my degree, and found switching and routing to be painfully boring. I opted out of pursuing Cisco certs because I did not want to do that for a living.
I am much happier working with server systems.


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