Managing a music folder, applications needed

August 5th, 2016

I’ve got a music folder on my laptop, and one on my dekstop, and one on my hard disk which is the backup. I’m looking for 2 applications.
1 that can sync my new albums in my laptop\desktop with my hard disk when I connect it..
and the other one, and this is way different, that can read the tags of mp3 files and then automatically makes correct folders. Now I just have a lot of random music folders, with scene releases names, etc. But I want all folder to be in Music root\Artist\Album [year]\
I can do it manually, but that would take me ages.. is there some sort of app for this, or a DOS script or something
W-BB, dont let me down, thanks in advance

Answer #1
Answer #2
foobar and media monkey can both rename and re-arrange files based on tags.
as for sync, any backup app will do that
Answer #3
Heya, Thanks for the tips.. I used SyncToy by microsoft and it worked perfect, so that was a good advice.
I’ve had mediamonkey before but that doesn’t do quite what I asked for.. Trying foobar now, tnx
edit: I cant actually find a function that does this..
Answer #4
media monkey is in fact fully capable of doing what you ask. it’s even easier to use than foobar for that task…


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